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The Right to convert and the Indian Constitution

The Sixth Stanley Samartha Memorial Lecture Delivered by Justice K.T.THOMAS, former Judge of Supreme Court of India

04 JUL 2007 31 KB

Newsletter: Slavery and the Family:Past and Present

Slavery and the Family:Past and Present

The newsletter, published at Trinitytide 2007 Anglican World, marks the 200 years since Britain abolished the Slave Trade and looks back at the history and achievement of William Wilberforce, inspired as he was by his study of the Bible and Christ's teaching. But the main focus of the newsletter is to show that 1807 did not mark the end of slavery as a practice or system. The newsletter also tells of work being done to help the victims of modern forms of slavery and calls on Christians to recognise today's oppression and - like Wilberforce - labour to oppose it.

11 JUN 2007 91 KB

The Anglican - Lutheran International Commission White Point, Nova Scotia, Canada, 14 to 20 May 2007

The Third Anglican – Lutheran International Commission (ALIC) held its second meeting at White Point, Nova Scotia, Canada between 14 and 20 May, 2007

20 MAY 2007 52 KB

Compass Points Lent 2007

27 APR 2007 558 KB

Collated Responses to 'Nassau Documents' from Around the Communion

16 APR 2007 1.61 MB

Collated Responses to 'Towards an Anglican Covenant' from Around the Communion

16 APR 2007 1.98 MB

Nassau Documentation - English

16 APR 2007 52 KB

Nassau Documentation - French

16 APR 2007 45 KB

AOCICC - Anglican-Old Catholic International Co-ordinating Council March 2007 - Communiqué

The Anglican Old Catholic International Co-ordinating Council (AOCICC) met in the Monasterio de Benedictinas de la Natividad de Nuestra Señora in Madrid from 5 to 9 March 2007.

09 MAR 2007 50 KB

February 2007: Growing Together in Unity and Mission:Building on 40 years of Anglican - Roman Catholic Dialogue

The International Anglican – Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission (IARCCUM) was established in 2001 and its work since then has been to implement the mission plan agreed in Mississauga.

23 FEB 2007 42 KB