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AIN 2017 Report

AIN Meeting & Conference hosted by the National Indigenous Bishop of Canada, The Rt. Rev. Mark MacDonald, At The Bear’s Inn, Six Nations Reserve on the Grand River Territory, Ohsweken, Ontario, Canada

05 SEP 2017 184 KB

Communiqué from the 2017 Meeting of the Anglican Indigenous Network

The Anglican Indigenous Network (AIN) is an international community of faithful Indigenous Anglicans who are minorities in their own Lands. We gather every two years to provide mutual support as we strategically plan our future together. Compelled by the Gospel’s power of love, renewal, peace, reconciliation, and restoration we support one another within our common challenge as minority peoples faced with the unique daily realities of the ongoing impact of colonialism in the Church we love and in the world we are called to steward.

04 SEP 2017 87 KB