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Newsletter: Women and Poverty

Women and Poverty (Trinity 2005)

tells of "the feminine face of poverty" and shows how women are often the most afflicted by poverty because of factors such as their lack of economic power; skills and status and the need to care for their families. Yet women's voices have not often been sought or listened to. In this newsletter, articles from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, Uganda, South Africa, Brazil, Burma, India, Bangladesh, Israel, USA and UK enable the voices of some women to be heard.

12 SEP 2005 400 KB

Newsletters: Families at the Frontiers of Faith

Families at the Frontiers of Faith (Eastertide 2005

This newsletter shows how many people face up to inter faith issues in family life, in inter faith marriages, in bringing up young people in an inter faith context. Projects and individuals in Jerusalem, Sri Lanka, South Korea, Indonesia and UK work to break down the religious barriers and develop understanding of a common humanity.

11 APR 2005 103 KB