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Lambeth Conference Reader

This Reader contains background reading for the Lambeth Conference. A number of the papers have been published in other places and at other times. The papers are collected together and re-published in this volume for the convenience of those who will be attending the Lambeth Conference. All the material is the product of particular Anglican Communion groups or networks, or has been written particularly for this Reader

03 AUG 2008 849 KB

Lambeth Conference 1998 Resolutions

09 AUG 1998 386 KB

The Eames Monitoring Group Report

The Lambeth Conference of 1988 came at a critical time for the coherence and unity of the Anglican Communion as a whole. The bishops found themselves facing the imminent possibility of one of the Provinces ordaining a woman to the episcopate, and had to address the challenge of how to maintain the highest degree of communion with one another and how to strengthen their commitment to one another despite differences in principle and practice

09 AUG 1998 72 KB

Lambeth Conference 1988 Resolutions

Lambeth Conference 1988 Resolutions

14 AUG 1988 348 KB

Resolution 1 - The ordination or consecration of women to the episcopate

Resolution 1 of the Lambeth Conference 1988

14 AUG 1988 N/A

Grindrod Report on Women and the Episcopate

Report of the working party appointed by the Primates of the Anglican Communion. Prepared to aid discussion in preparation of the Lambeth Conference 1988

14 AUG 1988 3.08 MB

Lambeth Conference 1978 Resolutions

Lambeth Conference 1978 Resolutions

13 AUG 1978 278 KB

Resolution 20 - Women in the Diaconate

Resolution 20 of the Lambeth Conference 1978 

13 AUG 1978 N/A

Resolution 21 - Women in the Priesthood

Resolution 21 of the Lambeth Conference 1978 

13 AUG 1978 N/A

Resolution 22 - Women in the Episcopate

Resolution 22 of the Lambeth Conference 1978 

13 AUG 1978 N/A
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