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Document title Item type Date File size

Resolution 39 - The Ministry - The Episcopate

Resolution 39 of the Lambeth Conference 1968 

11 AUG 1968 N/A

Resolution 40 - The Ministry - The Episcopate

Resolution 40 of the Lambeth Conference 1968 

11 AUG 1968 N/A

Resolution 41 - The Ministry - The Episcopate

Resolution 41 of the Lambeth Conference 1968 

11 AUG 1968 N/A

Resolution 42 - The Ministry - Post-Ordination Training

Resolution 42 - The Ministry of the Lambeth Conference 1968 

11 AUG 1968 N/A

Resolution 43 - The Ministry - The Thirty-Nine Articles

Resolution 43 of the Lambeth Conference 1968 

11 AUG 1968 N/A

Resolution 48 - Relations with Other Churches - The Church in South India

Resolution 48 of the Lambeth Conference 1968 

11 AUG 1968 N/A

Resolution 49 - Relations with Other Churches - The Churches of North India and Pakistan

Resolution 49 of the Lambeth Conference 1968 

11 AUG 1968 N/A

Resolution 50 - Relations with Other Churches - The Church of Lanka

Resolution 50 of the Lambeth Conference 1968 

11 AUG 1968 N/A

Resolution 55 - Relations with Other Churches - Collegiality

Resolution 55 of the Lambeth Conference 1968 

11 AUG 1968 N/A

Resolution 60 - The Role of the Anglican Communion - The Anglican Presence

Resolution 60 of the Lambeth Conference 1968 

11 AUG 1968 N/A