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Resolution 59 - The Unity of the Church - Faith and Order Statement

Resolution 59 of the Lambeth Conference 1948  

15 AUG 1948 N/A

Resolution 60 - The Unity of the Church - The Church of Scotland

Resolution 60 of the Lambeth Conference 1948  

15 AUG 1948 N/A

Resolution 61 - The Unity of the Church - The Evangelical Free Churches of

Resolution 61 of the Lambeth Conference 1948  

15 AUG 1948 N/A

Resolution 62 - The Unity of the Church - Ceylon

Resolution 62 of the Lambeth Conference 1948  

15 AUG 1948 N/A

Resolution 63 - The Unity of the Church - North India

Resolution 63 of the Lambeth Conference 1948  

15 AUG 1948 N/A

Resolution 64 - The Unity of the Church - Iran

Resolution 64 of the Lambeth Conference 1948 

15 AUG 1948 N/A

Resolution 65 - The Unity of the Church - Nigeria

Resolution 65 of the Lambeth Conference 1948  

15 AUG 1948 N/A

Resolution 66 - The Unity of the Church - The Eastern Orthodox Churches

Resolution 66 of the Lambeth Conference 1948  

15 AUG 1948 N/A

Resolution 67 - The Unity of the Church - The Old Catholic Churches

Resolution 67 of the Lambeth Conference 1948  

15 AUG 1948 N/A

Resolution 68 - The Unity of the Church - The Lesser Eastern Churches

Resolution 68 of the Lambeth Conference 1948  

15 AUG 1948 N/A