Ending and Preventing Gender Based Violence

A key piece of work is raising awareness of the prevalence of gender based and domestic violence and the potential of churches to work towards its elimination, create safe space, and care for and enable survivors of violence.

Below are some initiatives to help us raise awareness and act in response to the following ACC resolutions:

There is much to encourage us at international and local levels:

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Many Anglican Provinces and dioceses now participate creatively in the White Ribbon Movement for men and boys working against violence against women and girls, and in the annual 16 Days of Activism to End Gender-based Violence, which begin on 25 November.

Girls with Power and Dignity: For the 2015 16 Days of Activism, Anglicans have joined ecumenical and inter faith partners to create this on-line calendar and resource with a special focus on girls in education and their safety. See press release here.

'Anglicans and the 16 Days. Learn. Pray. Be Inspired. Act': An information resource from the Women in Church and Society desk at the Anglican Communion Office

Video: Anglican men speak out in solidarity with women against violence against women and girls

For more resources for the 16 Days of Activism and the White Ribbon campaign, see here

Iafn Church Responses To Trafficking

Above all is the ministry happening in parishes and local communities that is changing lives and restoring relationships. The International Anglican Women’s Network and the International Anglican Family Network have shared some of the stories of this work.

The Primates’ 2011 Letter to the Churches regarding gender based violence - (available in EnglishFrenchSpanishSwahili and Portuguese)


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Anglican membership of the We Will Speak Out coalition of churches and other agencies working together to end sexual violence. Several Anglican church leaders took part in an international inter faith conference on ending sexual violence held in London, February 2015, that led to a declaration and commitment to action.