Articles and documents

A series of articles from members of the Safe Church Commission exploring topics of Safe Church, the Lambeth Call on Safe Church and the work of the Safe Church Commission.

Safe Church training for youth leaders in the Diocese of Jerusalem  

Wadie Far is the Revd Canon Pastor to the Arabic-speaking congregation at St George’s Cathedral and Vicar of St Paul’s Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Jerusalem. Here, he writes about how safeguarding practice is being implemented in the Diocese of Jerusalem.   

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The Anglican Communion Safe Church Commission Guidelines and the Scottish Episcopal Church  

Daphne Audsley is the Assistant Provincial Safeguarding Officer at the Scottish Episcopal Church (SEC) and a member of the Safe Church Commission.  Here, she shares how the Anglican Communion Safe Church Commission Guidelines have helped the SEC and how they are key in implementing Safe Church practice in your province or diocese.  

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“Safe Church is central to the mission of the Church” – Bishop Cleophas Lunga on Safe Church in the Province of Central Africa

The Rt Revd Cleophas Lunga is the Bishop of Matabeleland in the Anglican Church of Central Africa and a member of the Anglican Communion Safe Church Commission. In this article, he reflects on how Safe Church and safeguarding measures are being introduced in his Province.

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Why the Anglican Communion Safe Church Commission is important?

Ahead of the Lambeth Call on Safe Church in April, Garth Blake, Chair of the Anglican Safe Church Commission and Mandy Marshall, Director of Gender Justice at the Anglican Communion, talk about the work of the Anglican Communion Safe Church Commission and why it is important.

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Taking the Lambeth Call on Safe Church forwards in our Province

Ena Barclay, from the Province of the West Indies, is a member of the Safe Church Commission. Bishops from the West Indies attended the Lambeth Conference in 2022. She shares what the Province has been doing to advance the Lambeth Call and guidelines on Safe Church in her setting.

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ACC Reports and Theological Reflections

The Anglican Communion Safe Church Commission has compiled a series of reports and theological reflections that delve into the critical importance of safeguarding within the church. These documents offer analyses and theological perspectives on creating safe environments, highlighting the church's commitment to preventing abuse and harm. 

Read the reports