Call to G7 nations to share surplus vaccines

18 September 2021

From the Anglican Communion Health & Community Network and Anglican Alliance

We ask the governments of the G7 countries to address global issues of hoarding and wastage of COVID vaccines by convening an emergency meeting of the G7.

Globally, over 5.5 billion vaccine doses have now been administered, but 80% have been administered in high-and upper-middle income countries. Meanwhile, Africa’s vaccination coverage is at 2%.

Even as booster jabs are given and over 12s vaccinated, rich nations are still on track to amass an excess of 1 billion vaccines by the end of the year. This excess will only increase in 2022 as global vaccine manufacturing increases. Rich nations must not hoard the surpluses amassed – but must share.

The lives and health of millions around the world are at risk, alongside the threat of new variants emerging globally.

Vaccines have ‘use by’ dates. If not put into people’s arms, significant parts of the excess being generated will need to be destroyed. It is a matter of extreme concern that if not shared, hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of vaccines that have been purchased by rich nations will go to waste.

We recognise the support of the G7 governments for the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A) and the commitments made at the G7 summit in June 2021 to make available additional doses. High income countries have promised to donate more than 1 billion doses, but less than 15% of these have so far materialised.

We call on all G7 governments and others to fulfil their promises and commit fully to global vaccine equity. National vaccine surpluses must be equitably and effectively shared, with waste avoided and lives saved.

We are one human family. We can and must work together to end this pandemic, leaving no one behind.

Co-Convenors, Anglican Health & Community Network:

  • Rt Revd Michael Beasley, Bishop of Hertford, Church of England
  • Dr Janice Tsang, Specialist in Medical Oncology, Hong Kong
  • Rt Revd Luke Pato, Bishop of Namibia, Church of Southern Africa

Revd Canon Rachel Carnegie, Executive Director, Anglican Alliance